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Learning to live with Anxiety & Depression

Learning to live with Anxiety & Depression


Living with Anxiety and Depression

My learning journey involves learning to live with depression/anxiety. It started by identifying the things that would ground me and help lift me out of those periods of my life. The three things that help with that are my music corner, records/cds, and my pets. When I started this journey, it was hard to identify when these periods of anxiety and depression were coming up. Eventually I learned what the beginning of anxiety looked like for myself, and what the beginning stages of a depressive episode looked like as well. It took a long time to identify these triggers that would put me on a path to anxiety and depression. As I learned more about myself and my relationship with both anxiety and depression, I found ways that I could ground myself and prevent myself from spiralling into those episodes. The things that I found worked were going back to playing music, listening to my records, and hanging out with my pets. These same three things are what I had forgotten about when I first experienced the biggest episode of anxiety and depression.